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Loc de muncă: Kirurg

Poziţii: 2

Ţara: Suedia


Tip post: full time

Salariu: 2300 - 4500 euro

Data expirării: 29/09/2011

Descriere job

County Council works to life and health and is one of the county's largest employer. County Hospital has a local catchment area of approximately 00 148 inhabitants and offers County hospitals to 245 000 inhabitants in the county. The hospital has 2400 employees. Title 15 is the County Hospital in-patient department for patients treated at a surgical center. The surgical center is part Surgery, Urology, and Ear, nose and throat clinic

Cerinţe job

The department has 42 inpatient beds divided between the different clinics. County Hospital Sundsvallpromotes a drug-free workplace. TASKS usual underskĂśterskeuppgifter in surgical operations. QUALIFICATIONS Assistant with surgery, urology or ENT experience.

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