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Loc de muncă: CNC Miller / Cutter

Poziţii: 1

Ţara: Olanda


Tip post: full time

Salariu: negociabil euro

Data expirării: 25/08/2011

Descriere job

The CNC miller / cutter is capable of independently large, heavy and complex work pieces
manufactured by mechanical drawing that meet the specified tolerances and quality. The
editing papers will mainly consist of single pieces to small series of welded structures

A pleasant, open and no-nonsense atmosphere in which the efforts of the employees is appreciated. It is a challenging, independent and responsible position with associated powers. When you start the job, you will you get help and coaching from colleagues. There are good
prospects for the entire organization and there are plenty of challenges.

Cerinţe job

Vocational education regarding engineering
Several years experience with CNC milling, Heidenhein experience is a plus
Good knowledge of English
Experience in reading engineering drawings
Knowledge of application systems, form and position tolerances
Knowledge of cutting speeds, feeds and tools
Experience with the correct application of instruments
Used to structured work

Aplicaţi la acest job


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