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» Model CV, scrisoare intentie model
» Locuri de munca


Poziţii: 20

Ţara: Canada

Oraş: Alberta

Tip post: full time

Salariu: 1500 - 1800 dolari

Data expirării: 24/08/2011

Descriere job

Recrutam in luna Iulie si August 2011 pentru urmatoarele pozitii:
1. Bucatari- Line Cook, Cook, CDP
2. Ospatari -Servers
3. Asistenti Ospatar - Bussers
Pozitiile sunt diponibile in Restaurante in Canada – zona Alberta.
Durata de obtinere a vizei de munca: 8-10 saptamani
• Salarizare lunara peste $1700
• Cazare asigurata
• Bilet de avion gratuity (cu exceptie bucatari)
• Tips-uri
• Asistenta permanenta pe durata contractului
• Asistenta pentru obtinerea Vizei de munca
• Aplicare pentru rezidenta permanenta in Canada
• Posibilitatea de prelungire a vizei
• Emigrare

Cerinţe job

Conditions for employment:
1. Age should be between 22-29
2. English ability should be good to acceptable – Since you will be required to converse in English
3. Education Ideally Graduates or at least 14 years of education .
4. Experience at least 1-2 years
5. Terrific personality.
6. Great attitude.
7. Energetic- good work ethic
Salary: Waiters:
1. The base pay is generally around $10.00 per hours calculated @ roughly 40 hrs per week So monthly pay is (4.3 weeks in a month) #1,720
2. However you will be getting big tips . Easily at least around $100 per shift work so your total package is very large
3. Visa is for 1 yrs- Renewed once you are here
4. Employers pays for the flights to Canada
5. Candidates pay for food and accommodation.Accomodation is provided , but not free of charge
6. Chance to progress to floor manager./restaurant asst mgr position
Salary- Cooks:
1. Base pay is roughly $ 2,200 per month.
2. Will get tips as per company policy – although not as high as servers
3. 2 years contract
4. Visa issued will be for 1 yr we will renew once you are here
5. You can apply for permanent residence of Canada – BIG ATTRACTION
6. Line cooks job.
7. Internal promotion very possible. Some of the cooks we brought in went on to become Kitchen Managers & Chefs
Salary - Bussers:
1. Position consider lower than Server- Generally responsible for cleaning the table etc.
2. Base pay same as server – Tips as per company policy – not as high as servers.
3. Employers pays for the tickets
4. 1 year visa we will renew once they are here
5. Chance to progress to server position

Aplicaţi la acest job


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